User Agreement

User Agreement

This Agreement is concluded between "Myaso" hereinafter referred to as the "Service Administration" and any person who becomes a user by registering on the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), hereinafter referred to as the "User", together referred to as the "Parties" in the text of the Agreement and individually as the "Party".

1. General provisions.

1.1. This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Service, the User is considered to have joined this Agreement and accepted its terms (acceptance).

1.2. Acceptance of the terms of this offer is made by registering on the Service website.

1.3. This Agreement is valid in electronic form and does not require bilateral signing.

1.4. The use of materials and functions of the Service is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Subject of the Agreement.

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the transfer to the User of non-exclusive rights to use the Service on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license.

2.2. The terms of the Agreement apply to all updates and new versions of the Service.

2.3. The Service is protected by legislation on the protection of intellectual property and belongs to the Service Administration.

3. Terms of Service.

3.1. To start using the Service, the User must register, receiving a unique name (Login) and password.

3.2. After registration, the User is assigned a personal account, where it is possible to deposit funds for the payment of services.

3.3. Services are considered to be provided properly if the User has not made any claims within 5 working days from the end of the month of service provision.

3.4. The Service Administration provides technical support to Users.

4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties.

4.1. User Rights and Obligations.

4.1.1. The User undertakes not to take actions that may be considered as violating Russian law or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright, and/or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to the disruption of the normal operation of the Service.

4.1.2. The User is obliged to review the current content of this Agreement, posted at, at least once a month.

4.1.3. The User undertakes not to transfer (transfer) to third parties the rights received by him under this Agreement, not to sell, not to duplicate, not to copy the materials of the Service in whole or in part, not to alienate in any other way, including gratuitously, without the prior written consent of the Service Administration.

4.1.4. The User undertakes not to disclose passwords and logins used to access the Service to third parties, to ensure the confidentiality of their storage. In case of unauthorized access to the login and password and/or user account, the User is obliged to immediately notify the Service Administration.

4.1.5. The User has the right to access the Service at any time, except during maintenance.

4.1.6. The User has the right to use the Service within its functional capabilities and on the terms set forth in this Agreement.

4.1.7. The User has the right to deposit any amount of money to top up the personal account on the Service for further use of the Service.

4.1.8. The User has the right to change the password independently without notifying the Service Administration.

4.1.9. The User has the right to request the deletion of User information stored by the Service at any time. The deletion of the user account and information stored by the Service is carried out within 7 days from the date of receipt of the request. Upon deletion of the user account, the funds on the user's personal account are not subject to refund.

4.2. Rights and Obligations of the Service Administration.

4.2.1. The Service Administration undertakes to ensure the safety of User data posted in the Service for 1 (one) calendar year from the date of the User's last use of any of the Service's services.

4.2.2. The Service Administration has the right to suspend the operation of the Service for necessary planned preventive and repair work on the technical resources of the Service, as well as for unscheduled work in emergency situations, notifying the User, if technically feasible, by posting relevant information on the website.

4.2.4. The Service Administration has the right to interrupt the operation of the Service if this is due to the impossibility of using information and telecommunication channels that are not the resources of the Service Administration, or the actions and/or inaction of third parties directly affecting the operation of the Service, including in emergency situations.

4.2.5. The Service Administration has the right to update the content, functional capabilities, and user interface of the Service at any time at its own discretion.

4.2.6. The Service Administration has the right to change the cost of services unilaterally.

4.2.7. The Service Administration has the right to block and/or delete the User's account, including all User content, without notifying the User and explaining the reasons in case of User violation of the terms of this Agreement.

5. Responsibilities of the Parties and Dispute Resolution Procedure.

5.1. The Service is provided to the User "as is" in accordance with the generally accepted principle in international practice. This means that the Service Administration is not responsible for problems arising during the update, support, and operation of the Service (including compatibility issues with other software products, as well as discrepancies between the results of using the Service and the User's expectations, etc.).

5.2. Parties shall be liable for the breach of obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, the liability of the Service Administration to the User in case of a claim for damages is limited to the amount paid by the User for the services.

5.3. Neither Party shall be liable for the complete or partial non-performance of its obligations if such non-performance is the result of force majeure circumstances arising after the conclusion of the Agreement and beyond the control of the Parties. In case force majeure circumstances persist for more than 3 (three) months, either Party shall have the right to unilaterally refuse to perform its obligations under this Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

5.4. Since the Service is an object of intellectual property of the Service Administration, liability for copyright infringement shall arise in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Service Administration shall not be liable for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for direct and indirect losses of the User, including lost profits and possible damage, arising, among other things, from unlawful actions of Internet users aimed at violating the information security or normal functioning of the Service.

5.6. In case of disputes or disagreements between the Parties arising from this Agreement or related to it, the Parties shall take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves.

5.7. If disputes and disagreements between the Parties cannot be resolved through negotiations, they shall be resolved in the Arbitration Court of Moscow.

6. Other conditions.

6.1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon acceptance and shall remain in effect until the complete performance of its terms by the Parties.

6.2. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the Parties or at the initiative of the Service Administration in case of User's breach of the Agreement without refund of funds to the User.

6.3. Since this Agreement is an offer, the Service Administration has the right to withdraw the offer in accordance with the current civil legislation. In case of withdrawal of this Agreement during its validity period, the Agreement is considered terminated.

6.4. The Parties have agreed that in the performance of this Agreement, the use of signatures of representatives of the Parties, as well as their seals using means of facsimile communication and other analogues, is permitted.

6.5. The Service Administration has the right to unilaterally make changes to the terms of provision of the Service, notifying the User thereof.

6.6. The specified changes to the terms of this Agreement come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise stipulated in the relevant publication. Continued use of the Service by the user after the introduction of changes and/or additions to the Agreement indicates the user’s acceptance and agreement with such changes and/or additions.

7. Guarantees.

7.1. The Service Administration does not provide any guarantees.

7.2. By agreeing to the terms and accepting the terms of this offer, the User assures the Service Administration of the accuracy of the personal data provided, the voluntary nature of entering into the agreement, familiarity with the terms, and full understanding of their content.